KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid. This is our mantra for Katapy, the most advanced, yet easy to use, media streaming solution in the world
Video-On-Demand - Onboard your content via MRSS, Watchfolder, Batch, or via our web based CMS. Curate your on-demand content with Katapy's Page Builder offering, just drag and drop to curate across all of your choosen platforms
Live Events - Schedule live events, automatically DVR, and communicate with your viewers to watch again after the event completes. Create live sub-clips of your show, in real time, just scrub back and create a clip to share via your on-demand channel, or on social media to showcase the live event in seconds
24/7 (Linear) Broadcasting - Whether you have tape-to-live, live, or a mix, the Katapy Linear Broadcasting solution is for you. Curate horizontal programming segments, then drop them into the program schedule where you can add live events, and advertising to build your broadcast channel just like the networks on television do today. Showcase your content, 24x7, on all platforms. Syndicate the feed to other networks for larger audience and content recognition
Monetization - Katpay Pay offers a single view into the paywalls for mobile, OTT, and web solution. Managing your revenue has never been easier with Katapy's Financial Dashboard, showing trends, and income mapping by platform. Create plans, PPV pricing, and even coupons all within the Katapy Pay solution, then let it build the plans on all platforms you choose to distribute with. Or, select advertising as your monetization model, and build revenue from SSAI, VAST and direct sponsorship within your channel
Reporting - Katapy offers the most advanced dashboards for your viewership and financial data. If you are running a full media network, drill down into each affliate and determine content trends, upsell/marketing strategies are born with data, Katapy offers custom reporting across your network/channel, just ask and we will work with you to provide the data you need
Owner Operated Networks - Katapy's P9 solution is the only network offering with the capability of adding channels to your network in seconds. Build your own multi-channel network and monetize each channel independantly, or as a part of the holistic network
Learn more about Katapy's solution
The Katapy platform - Multi-Channel Networks - Curate Once, Deliver Everywhere - Live Stream Clipping
Media Archive
easily upload and manage your content
Simply Upload
Drag. Drop. Done.
Series. Movies. Galleries.

From any format to hls delivery.
Archive for curation.
Curate and Deliver
program your channel and deliver on all platforms
Curate: Build your channel
Create rows of content
Build dynamic content rows
Showcase / highlight events/content
Program your broadcast channel
Program your broadcast channel
Program your broadcast channel

Custom Apps and Channels
leverage Katapy's app templates or build your own
Netflix Style or Yours.
Showcase your brand
Highlight, promote, deliver.

Build your channel.
Subscriptions, PPV, Advertising.